Sunday, December 2, 2007

Make Up For 14 Year Old Resident Evil 4

I went to see the film, this, Resident Evil Extinction, one of these fools in the release that no interesting people to do something, was determined to get there, to conclude the series, or have something to crack at the issue, I do not know. The first game I saw it was a hit, had a great time with him and made me unconditional survival horror genre today, but the saga of the Crazy Silent Hill takes more than the place of honor.

The second I saw it because there was nothing better to do, and if the mistake of the first. Big mistake, however, is the best of the three.

This we saw not stay home on a Friday night, and by the birritas than after, without a vote of confidence. However, even with that attitude, I left with a bad impression wafer. I hope that nobody has seen. It's all I have to say. The information that you can draw from it is the same as that of a couple of ads for Sony products, saving you the 89 minutes remaining.

Anyway, the game. It's a game and viejete. The PC was tested and, frankly, do not move too much. Main attraction was the jo Actually, this is a port

pure and simple version released for the Game Cube, so in terms of graphics, scenes and sound, there is little novelty. But the control ... it seems that they designed the game to be played with the Wii from the start.

The system works perfectly, with the nunchuck move the character in third person perspective, walking or running. With the Wii mote , aim to whatever you want at any time, with a sort of circulillo maintaining translucent gray until it comes time to shoot. With the action button and open doors dem

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nighttime Tingling Of Upper Legs

There are things in life difficult in the fucking life

there are things we know and understand that it is not, simply can not be and is accepted
that would be nice smoked all day, that a puff will last you a whole day
and the next day they returned to smoking
and the next day they returned to smoke and never had problems

but it is not, and understand and move on.
that would be nice all day
borrachisimo never end up the glass lowered
never lightheadedness
ever lived without being aware of the penalties that go round and round
around us is that in this world there is no oxygen there are only penalties
daily penalties have to breathe, swallow, then spit processand are even larger because the penalties
each entering people become bigger.
but alcohol does not last forever and it is understood and continues.
But what is not understood, not understood and can not do is lose someone
that you have to leave, that leave us now? can not live without you
can not not understand is not wanted, not worth it. Worth nothing, nothing nothing. Everything
knew before ash rich tastes. Smoke ash
Mary is just evaporate all the time, absolutely everything.
everything will happen even people, and it will be .. nothing just a memory
stunned that a memory becomes worth every day and every day
becomes largest such penalty CHTM

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Snior Referral Medical Care !

The March 6, 2008 The Cure in Madrid !!!!!! : D

Professional Camcorders To Watch On Computer Silence of death, or the evil, or shadows, or whatever

In fact, this is one of the most explicit stories of ghosts and conventional that you can imagine, with a neat atmosphere and an interpretation at all nauseous. Where the hell would remove the star bud, bud with that face, even when in the cemetery ("crying?) The death of his girlfriend, who comes to squint (yes, squint, and a near-foreground) in a scene of high tension? Is it so expensive it was to be reduced, which is inside a car looking in the mirror? Or was it the best shot of the scene?.

addition, all the mystery is in the trailer, because from the beginning we are introduced to a guy who comes fromindigenous people of the legend and he senses what is happening from the first murder. From there, everything scares, death and colored contact lenses. and 45 min. leftover footage with final showdown with guns and fire, which, traditionally, works to solve any problem in a movie yankee. That is, if you harass a spectrum, which is finding a physical thing you can shoot to kill it. And if not, try to shoot the spectrum itself, always dissolve and leave you alone for a while J


And to top it off, fi.

But well, what was the reason for posting:

The puppet film is spitting Chris Pohl, Blutengel XD!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bleeding Again11 Days After My Period The Birthday Massacre 01/11/2007 BCN

They've done it again. [info] meow_girl , my brother, his girlfriend and I, we've all come to be abducted. On Thursday, the day of the dead, the living room of Barcelona Mephisto had more life than any other part of the planet. With four cats that were. And were few in Madrid last year and, yet again to do so. Are we more to a kind of religious mission that before a tour?
Discrete labels, free downloads of the album ... it looks like not looking to get rich with what they do, but rather to live andment and that is the secret of its good performance, do so because they want to. However, the shadow of fame pursues them, and die not surprise me creatively in one or two more albums. Hopefully not so and we continue to offer right now, "close" for a few years.

And how do they do? Enrapture how do you get a hundred people (I do not think they had many more) and make them forget for an hour-plus part of one of the most despicable species that inhabit the planet? It is not easy to explain, but you could say that TBM connects directly to the Peter Pan and appointing all its influences, both musical and literary.) All this in order to get the most visceral endearing.

Without being a group of letters, TBM of these groups is amply communicates through his music. Powerful melodies and inspired arrangements, immersive and (why not) cash, with novel sounds and daring, sometimes reminding samplers disparate and strange styles, ranging from Enya to The Cure, going through soundtracks of films such as Never Ending Story. In all, always present the theme of lost innocence and awakening to a dark reality, absurd and hostile. CH irective after ("march?) of Ashlan, perfectly (and perhaps that little air that has to Neil Gaiman, present on the influences of the guys: P). Scrotumtightening was when, in the chorus of Red Star, the second voice "answer" to Chibi, seemed pre-recorded, until I turned to OE and I realized it was him, with a face significant effort to XD falsetto! That's backing vocals and the rest is nonsense. Did so again in Unfamiliar


began with an unexpected Video Kid and continued Lovers End

. Notable was Falling Down, one of the discrete songs from disk to printing more force with a harder distortion and a subtle new arrangements. Improvisation and surprises levels melodic and instrumental variations were a constant, although they were not always for the better. Personally, I preferred the original version of Happy Birthday the pale version that was in direct with the overwhelming lack of principle and a guitar Chibi trying without much success singing in a tessitura unnecessarily severe.



Goodnight, one of the great songs of the disc. Goosebumps. I do not think I was excited at a concert from The Cure, and the latter Lo Curro is less (saving the enormous distances J).

sound generally decent, except for a moment cut off one of the pre-recorded intros. Still, even in a time like this, it lost its usual good vibes and started to jam with the guitars, drums and clapping from the public, while Chibi encouraged the roost with his usual shit. Canadian Good times to the end. that appears below the surface. Its critical and bitter attack against a tax oligofrénico world works by contrast. As it becomes when you return, after this dose of emotional logic, the gray world of finance, with the usual absurdly people worried about their fucking money, the same as on any account leave rusty when the worms devour them with disgust.

Then, the multimedia material J :

and beginning with Video Kid. Awesome Goodnight.

Kill the Lights of the past. Start to feel tired, but give a good show. This more Larguita.

And that's it, guys. With what it costs to upload material to some places and others, and dealing with shit that's fucking porculero Live Journal editor (unless you write text and au) I think it take to post something

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Dismissal Vs Expungement California

HTMLXC And sorry, believe me, every time I feel more
and far I have only your memory
and ask you to keep dreaming
and bring your dreams to paper and keep

to show me and I remember that I always with me, but do not paint on paper

e fai as I write q binds non fixen or post in English instead of galego haha x perdin a costume ...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Used Cars, London Ontario Passing by here ...

... Not sure what vibrated inside my ... and without thinking, I was behind you

q Q such that around here going to report me I'm gone summer throwing the eggs and then we did not write much nothing q q q's just not what this post actually put will not bring anything new just a greeting.

I've been continuing the story .. and I have things in mind but by putting them into words why I like and I have not published but soon there will be news.

well I have spent an incredible day today was the best I remember, walking Samil leaving letters in the sand, what time
belllooo greetings
Well, things get dangerous soon I'm going to put in new vices

Friday, March 9, 2007

Chetna And Prithviblog

imonio had declined greatly, but he did not deserve this, he had struggled to overcome the obstacles that are constantly appearing. It was unfair what happened, whenever there was trouble lately she blamed him and his illness, which forced him to take medication for life. It was unfair, she could not be so perfect as to throw him the blame for everything.

Lately when things went wrong, Mark stopped taking his medication, hoping to reach an episode of mania to return the joy, enthusiasm and creativity (as in the editorial were pressuring him to publish a new novel as soon as possible .) But now that he had arrived home and parked his truck, with the cleaners yetrunning, it seized a huge sense of depression, and had days like that (especially since I began to suspect deception) but now felt more alone than ever. Had left his family, his friends, his acquaintances, all for the woman, and now she pulled left alone, lying abandoned.

thought and thought about what he would do, did not want to see it again, I did not see her walk through that door, so happy, so smiling, so perfect, as liar .... never wanted to kiss her, never wanted to make love and he knew that never feel love but hatred of deception, who knows how long she would have been created. I was very nervous and breathing hard. The only thing he could think of was to go for the bottle of Jack,

Monday, February 26, 2007

Blog Chetna And Prithvi Mysore Mallige Full

're Saturadisimo all day, or itching examination and Teno xoves tasks and Moitas Moitas Merdas from here to this day, Proxectos included in php ... Xa or non deu tempo das cousines Metade ea q q ringworm deliver non skill as vou facer. Therefore you write anything. E

all or tempo that feeling ca intre calqueira abaixo all are, that nothing is worth nothing.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Loss Of Bladder And Bowel Control In Dogs

Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa, our constitutional president toured Europe all this week and was allowed in their interventions in Davos (Switzerland) openly criticized the presidents of Venezuela and Bolivia. Of course, as in Mexico is going so well with our economic policy have a right to point to other governments, is that we are much better.

But the fact that Hugo Chávez Calderón mentioned in his speech is not for a lack of gray matter inside your head, it looks like it was a strategy to go on stage. Until 1 week Calderon had heard little out of Neustr country, then taking advantage of the global popularity that Chavez has got with him so that the reflectors alsoI also will point to the president of Venezuela what splash of fame. FIPO

went to Europe to sell an imaginary country, Calderolandia, which lies greatly from what is today Mexico. Offered in private meetings? energy privatization, tax reforms that favor large corporations and transnational police state controlled by the army and cheap labor, poor, ignorant and unemployed. A whole third world paradise where the great colonizers of history can become rich. The economic system we have here works and works very well, so 300 families accounted for most of the country's wealth. And we also have a Mexican as the 3rd richest place in the world, we should be proud

Monday, January 29, 2007

Realistic Braces Color Selector valandil_ar @ 2007-01-29T22:33:00

digital systems circuits fucking my life miserable in a way

Sunday, January 21, 2007

How To Calculate Kundali 2

I call on Anne, and address of the Belize Hotel was spinning in my head.

quickly arrived at the hotel, entered the parking lot and found the target next to the Cavalier Golf blue fox then confirmed it was her. His mind began to work even more obsessively. Suddenly it started raining.

cleaners is automatically activated while he was still there parked in front of the two cars with the engine running. The door of the room was in front of the car, where his wife was disgusting wallowing with that real idiot. How could she leave him for someone like that, how could fool a fool of that caliber? This and many other questions were spinning in his head like a spiral while growing anger

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Create Electricity With Toy Car Motor

had, threw away the box and left the house leaving the 2 drawers open and the pills on the table. Started the car and quickly went out of his garage at full speed, ready to uncover the truth however painful it was.