Discrete labels, free downloads of the album ... it looks like not looking to get rich with what they do, but rather to live andment and that is the secret of its good performance, do so because they want to. However, the shadow of fame pursues them, and die not surprise me creatively in one or two more albums. Hopefully not so and we continue to offer right now, "close" for a few years.
And how do they do? Enrapture how do you get a hundred people (I do not think they had many more) and make them forget for an hour-plus part of one of the most despicable species that inhabit the planet? It is not easy to explain, but you could say that TBM connects directly to the Peter Pan and appointing all its influences, both musical and literary.) All this in order to get the most visceral endearing.
Without being a group of letters, TBM of these groups is amply communicates through his music. Powerful melodies and inspired arrangements, immersive and (why not) cash, with novel sounds and daring, sometimes reminding samplers disparate and strange styles, ranging from Enya to The Cure, going through soundtracks of films such as Never Ending Story. In all, always present the theme of lost innocence and awakening to a dark reality, absurd and hostile. CH
Goodnight, one of the great songs of the disc. Goosebumps. I do not think I was excited at a concert from The Cure, and the latter Lo Curro is less (saving the enormous distances
sound generally decent, except for a moment cut off one of the pre-recorded intros. Still, even in a time like this, it lost its usual good vibes and started to jam with the guitars, drums and clapping from the public, while Chibi encouraged the roost with his usual shit. Canadian Good times to the end. that appears below the surface. Its critical and bitter attack against a tax oligofrénico world works by contrast. As it becomes when you return, after this dose of emotional logic, the gray world of finance, with the usual absurdly people worried about their fucking money, the same as on any account leave rusty when the worms devour them with disgust.
Then, the multimedia material J :
and beginning with Video Kid. Awesome Goodnight.
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