Friday, October 31, 2008

Hello Kitty Chapstick

For those who have and who is not. For those who like and who do not support, for you and obviously for me. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

And as this post is pure SPAM!. I ask. ordered! to look out for my new friend on the left. Sii! vampyrus † ergo sum

So go. Going through this comm Tann chachigenialosa about the story that I told you yesterday, and I sure love with it and I AIES tacañoss ehh and leave us nice comments and bellosssssss to go and leave no trace, is like not having gone xD!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kates Playground Colletcion


I hope that this special day all your dreams are closer to you. I wish you dizzy with kisses and hugs, and no one can erase a smile on your face.
wholeheartedly, my more, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Want To Kinow About Hapetytis E Happy Birthday ddreaming

Sorry. Yesterday I could not connect, but obviously I remembered your birthday. So CONGRATULATIONS!.

to say amore. Know, know, for more than two years at least, who still remember the banner der michel regalastes me for my 15 and demases so pretty. Reminds me of Liv. Not for nothing, but because you were GG and that reminds me now. Anyway. I wish you the best.

A great big kiss beautiful.

Hope you like


On the other side. I have "bad" news. And other nonsense that may tell you thisnight.

Remember that I love you!.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Poison Treatment Card

Because it's a great girl. Because it's a great girl. Because it's a great girl. AND ALWAYS WILL!. Well

. Well today. 09.08.2008's birthday
[info] stefy_evans
and that she deserves it entirely dedicadita this entry is for you!. You

Quieroo Amore!

dudenn Certainly not going to congratulate
[info] stefysbirthday
and leave some d

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What Is Manilia Stool

. I have plans to update either tonight .. tonight or tomorrow morning in the not so .. xD. To comment my days lately and my wanderings .. and my new look! We ... if you did not notice .. Look at your sight!

Anyway. As dis title. This left a meme!

01. stolen [info] stefy_evans
Ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. I reserve the right to answer Any way I please. Then post this on your own journal.

- Make me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything. I reserve the right to respond as I like. Then, post this meme in your LJ. CH

stolen [info] daviid91

A color: yellow
A place: Argentina
A celebrity : Kristen Bell
An animal: Lion
A body part: Nose
One day of the week: Friday
One month September
A number: 9
An object : Portable
A series: CHarmer
A job: Dreamer
A song: I do not want to miss a thing - Aerosmith
A shop: Stradivarius
A Brand: Converse
A time of day: Night
One drink: Clipper Coca Cola Light-
A food: Pizza extra banana Tropical
an instrument: Guitar
A fruit: Banana
A taste: Chocolate A
subject: This past year ... Latin
A drawing: Doraemon .. xD
A language: The Castilian
A movie: The Sweetest Thing
stolen [info] daviid91

1.Metete on this page: will leave an item at random: the title, will be the title of your musical roup. 2.The

this site: The last four words of the last quote will be the title of your first CD.

3.y to end go here: The third picture, no matter what q is, will the cover of the CD.

Arctic Adventure
To go for ideas

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Southpark Ipod Touch Spcentral [PubliON]. The Order of the Phoenix

Phoenix Order of the Phoenix

Monday, June 30, 2008

Play Soul Silver On Vba Camarerooooooo .... a ñ!

o. So back home, take a jacket and I came for some friends to walk around the well, and that, estubo well, talk, talk, criticize ... the typical go!. And now here
dead heat. [Mental note tomorrow advertising + advertising + advertising] Ahh I'm so happy! Within eight days is Stefy !!!!! Within 5 days is my princess Nyah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my aunt! and good are waiting for many months and unnn pizquiñina enormee love with a desire to meet Stefy! and other inquiring elejotera canarionaa that fijate tuu that small is Gran Canaria jaja xD!. Anyway. Lj besotes!. Tomorrow but better because you can not
[I love when the intermediate ends well]

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lambretta Engine Lambretta Ac 4 Pole Electrics?

Livejournal Friend's Only for the most part, only 10% open. Comment here and talk So. xD.

Entry into construction because the previous one was SUPER old now.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Swine Flu Temporary Hearing Loss? Dragon Head



I do not know if this type of Japanese comics have another buzzword to distinguish them, but if so, I'd like to meet. I mean sleeves like those of Suehiro Maruo, Uzumaki

(proud, should make another post with him, bound for Lovecrafteros) or Women dark room, the same author as the one at hand. Mangas raw, twisted yarn, well, credible and original, for sick patients. Nothing to envy (perhaps something to teach) the vaunted European comics. CHTMLLXC

The other strong point the environments are so convoluted and novel paradigm of comics, is you do not take our word choice and get involved. It's like when someone gets apology with an excuse so strange that you do not believe could have invented.

scenarios are bleak, lonely and anxious, they Cosic. Few comics have so much personality in his cartoons.

points are said sometimes to

The Lord of the Flies because Teru is almost alone, but not quite. And anyone who finds his way, has been affected in one way or another by

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Solid Extreme Firm Pantygirdle


bailongo began with a theme of her latest creations, whose name I have not bothered to find out, influenced by electro-pastis wave plaguing the scene lately. Do not exaggerate, they are often good melodies, but often provided by samplers garrulos
and little sounds and unfortunate, similar to what you can expect from a car window down tuning.

But with a discography like yours, it is difficult to draw two ordinary songs followed, and soon, too soon, maybe, we were handed the first great song, "Jasmine & Rose." Then acouple of examples with my particular way of photographing concerts:

soon came more delights, the version of "Heroes", "Muscovite Musquito "," There's no Tomorrow "and some of his time Xymox (89-94), a strange period of his career, totally outclassed today, which went into the soil is always dry in the selling and llenapistas, although, as everyone knows, any single trade of 80 is worthy of reverence in the 00, which, as its name suggests, is the decade of nothing. In any case, we speak of
is fired, of course, with "A Day" (which I saw with satisfaction that it had successfully removed the piece of guitar tablature: P).

They did too soon, they say, because the idiots in the room El Loco deadline put them under threat of not charging (?). And it is true that, for once who was desperate merchandising behind the group in question, the only thing I found is a set of shirts that began to emerge out of a few such "Sergent Garcia, then probably played , I say, that I have the displeasure of knowing (negative attitude, mine: P). CHT MLXC

Still, I'm pissed off at them for having gone from "Stumble and Fall", "The Child in Me," "Back Door" and "Going Round." But I will when I get to take this month's DVD!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Does Justin Bieber Go To Delbarton Give me back my time!

ble back to make him talk. Ono I suspect that they do something.

The plan was also to create a home network of the sort that you configure Windows XP, Tristan basted plan of using that type of audience, with my wireless card and laptop but also dumb. Ono I suspect that they did something.

So back to the original drivers Nintedo Wireless USB, which carries out its mission of phenomena (hell, for someone to copy this system and lance without Capadur now!) and pass an egg timof promotions

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Best Metalcore Wheels

Photobucket Album

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How To Build A Dunking Machine By now with Ebay, man

I'm here again. The truth is that this is curiously slave, because if, for whatever reason, you are absent from cuadernete this for a month, then you very fucking old tricks again, and the worse the more time passes, for a reason which I can not of understanding (mine conditions, perhaps). Luckily, in my case, I have the advantage of not being read or cookies, and do not involve any disruption these periods.

Issues papers, own or others, Christmas (I dry the mind), shady university affairs, changes in daily habits ...

&the operation and return to noticing new patterns emerging new pelohuevo price. And so on to infinity.

The rules are simple. You have a few days to bid, the more push before time runs out, he takes it.

And my rogue stunted cultural relic Spaniard is quite clear then, I'm just looking, not to inflate the price and lack of 10 seconds, wham!, Pushing for a few cents more of marking, so that with a little luck, anyone else get time to respond. As far as I could ascertain, there are even programs that are dedicated to making it

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Playerdex How Do I Register Modern World

s that of Mexico. Cuántas veces hemos escuchado frases como “no tires la comida, ¡Con el hambre que hay en África!”; no hay que ir tan lejos para ver el hambre, pues en nuestro país la mitad de la población sobrevive en la pobreza. That is the reality of Mexico, the reality that many can not and do not want to see, and the reality that few want is not visible. 10 years ago the social, political and economic in Mexico was encouraging, a vibrant economy and a democracy exciting after the death of the "perfect dictatorship." But the next six years did not take advantage and led to the economic slowdown, while church rose to power in the governance of the country and allowed the drug gain ground, as