Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mcculloch Weed Wacker JET MEME

When the day is dumb ....

ago good for the first time in weeks. Should be on the beach with a good book, tower to Solet, while listening to music on my MP4 and I see the guys play good football in the sand ... But instead I stayed home frika ... ¬ ¬

As a good geek, I have been given to the
frikitest . long time since I did not, and my results are on the rise (do not know if that's good or bad). I was given, 32% ie GEEK TOTAp, ¬ ¬

16 -
of having hurt someone's feelings
: I think guilty.

17 -
of reading thousands of books, sagas, 500 sheets
: Very, very guilty: P

18 -

Had I fallen in love with an / a

impossible: Buff, extremely guilty. 19 - Had loved my neighbor to

: Not guilty (because I never had a decent if not ..: P)

20 - Had like 2 girls and boys who were brothers : Joee guilty: 3

21 - Of Having A crush on someone of your primary course : Guilty (my first boyfriend, who potitoooo xD)

22 - Of Having A crush on someone of your course of s

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Offroad Buggys America LIES A LA CARTE (SSXHG) Cap 2

Did I mention that I love Snape ...?

I think is one of the best characters in the book. Or at least, the more worked. I have a serious problem because not only do I like a man who is mean, evil and spiteful. You adore the actor who plays him (Alan Rickman), who is a man of over sixty years. If drooling every time he appears on screen. Ale, as I said.

But who is without sin cast the first stone. "Nothing has ever felt attracted to someone who lacks any kind of attraction for the rest of the muwhen? You can admit it, I feel a lot better xD

ascend the second chapter of the only long-fic I've written to date "Lies a la carte, if you are interested in the couple SeverusxHermione (I I adore) you can find up to chapter 5 in my account

Title: Lies a la carte. Cap 2
Gender: Romance / Drama
Rating: K, for the moment
Warnings: None at the moment (: P)
C Summarymp; eacute n going to wake a grumpy Ron to sit in the corner grumbling while swallows any crud that passes through food to achieve? Harry Who urge to get up and continue a fruitless search sumirle merely a well of bitterness and despair?


For you, Hermione. Because if you do not, nobody will. If you do not pretend that all is wellmp; eacute; crazy.

- Harry, I'll get something to eat

My friend does not answer, is again looking dumbfounded this bloody thing, that awful locket that is going to be crazy at all. He insults our intelligence, especially mine. It is assumed that it would have given an answer to their frustrating mystery, something where to start, a track, a sign, something.

But my brain refuses to work, seems to have stopped, you still have all the skills but no longer has the agility before.

And I know why.

Forest walk with indifference, do not even bother to check if these mushrooms are edible. Surely not. Since yesterday combed the entire area, it is assumed that we should have gone longer, but where? We have no direction. I do not want to acknowledge in front of them but reallyinsert them in my head. It hurts. And the next thing that comes to mind is Hogwarts, my dear castle, and I recall with such clarity that even I could touch it.

perceptible feel your old and damp smell, I hear the echo of footsteps in the lonely corridors, the sound of rain drumming on the worn glass, the cries of Peeves, severe reprimand of Professor McGonagall. The angry eyes of Filch, the caretaker, yes, even to miss him.

But most of all I remind él.

I shudder. I can not help it, really do not want help. I feel disgustingly guilty but I need to remember. His image in my head is all I have left. All I remember really happened. That there was a time I shared something more than words with which the murderer would be our beloved Albus Dumbledore.

That there was a time when you wanted

Do you want? Or do you want? I close my eyes and cover my face with both hands, choking back a sob. I can not live with this. It hurts my heart, poisons the soul.

But his memory ... so clear in my head that is too real. I especially remember one day. I resign myself and let myself fall on the wet grass. I yield to the desire to immerse myself in my thoughts. And my mind rescues a special day. One cold November evening ... C HTMLXC

- Hermione! Hermione wait!

not want to hear anything else, that's enough for today. Ronald Weasley is stupid to not do anything right. Damn, that had to be so hopelessly airhead.

And then Harry, do not know who is worse. He also learns nothing. I do not blame the course. But at this momentto feel very angry with them. I would like to slap them both to have if smart. I run through the halls. Stifling his tears with his hand, yet I mourn, not until you are well hidden.

I cross the hall, almost running. Yes, this will work. Nobody is going to be in the library at these times, and so after a Quidditch match.

As always, I have reason. And the library is empty. Just madaPince me, is stretched, write something after the table. When he heard hasty steps up the head with a frown, but his eyes softened when he realized that I am.

No one was surprised to see Hermione Granger in the library.

I walk in haste the living room and sneaks into the forbidden section without any qualms. If anyone has earned the right to be there, that's me. Do not you dare tell me, not today.

spring from my swollen eyes. I hold myself to be more pathetic feeling that exists on earth.

is when I realize I'm not alone.


thought that teenagers were doing such things in the bathrooms Miss Granger. This is a library, if you have not noticed.

C HTMLXC The shock is so tremendous that I short sobs suddenly. Eyes wide open, but I dare not look up from the ground. His voice is already in itself unique. Are a few meters from me, taking some books of dubious reputation as one of the old shelves. On the corner of my eye, I see as Severus Snape, the most hated teacher at Hogwarts, look forward to a real large dark volume. There would have been if I had not spoken. As became aware of the pathos of my situation, my cheeks begin to heat up, thank goodness it's dark. Even so, shame overwhelms me completely and not to doit's as if I had stayed frozen in my seat, staring at the dusty ground.

- What happens Granger? - Says without looking away from the heavy volume. It is not really a question. What is his tone of mockery rather ill-concealed, and his brow permanently furrowed. Gesture often done when I do, Harry and Ron are close .- Have you got a remarkable in a review? Or perhaps to found not always have the pleasure of being an insufferable smartass?


The moment lasted quite a bit. Then I covered my mouth with her hand, stifling a groan. But the damage had been done. Just insulting a Hogwarts professor, not a teacher either, just retort to anything Masy none other than Severus Snape.

involuntarily, I turned and faced him with his eyes, and I mean really faced because he had not yet given up the that heavy book examining with much interest. The only changio noticeable that I could see it was the sudden Dye took his knuckles white, strangely clinging to the tops of the volume. Moreover, his serious expression had not changed at all.


Professor, I ... "he cut off before he could make up some stupid excuse


Punished until the holidays Granger-closed the book with a heavy blow and placed with extremeda gently into place. Then he passed me without even looking at me I wait in my office tomorrow.

I watched him leave with a heavy heart. Actually, I still could not absorb what had just happened, what I unconsciously did. I thanked God because they are already in sixth grade, because this insult Snape would not forgive me in life.

At least I was sure I was not going to say to the pnsar now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Facial Expressions Newborn

ica of a Death Foretold: Gabriel García Márquez
# 4 - Veronika Decides to Die: Paulo Coelho # 5 - Dracula: Bram Stoker

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cigarette Lighter Remove And Replace

I geek, and I love

If it's three in the morning, I'm dead sleep and tomorrow I have work. But I can not sleep without a record here of what I experienced today. I will not elaborate because of security [info] tinta_china already has a good post on the head on this day (certainly memorable), so I will confine myself , to emphasize the exaggerated levels of freak to which hemeI arrived today, and the quality of this new installment of Harry Potter. First things first, why does that freak?, For several reasons: 1 .-

Because we were the only movies we laughed when the tension around the room breathed
Because 2 .- only we understood our Conas
3 .- For the cinema medium wanted us out of there today
4 .- hysterical because we embraced certain scenes from the movie (long-awaited scenes that make decent Yates )
5 .- Because in reality we saw what we wanted to see, and you will understand why any fan / Ficker / HP fics reader to have certainor while moving through (cofDarrycof)
6 .- Because we enjoy as girls until the end

And much more, but it would be a very long list, and I'm sure tinta_china ; be responsible for completing everything that I have left in the inkwell.

's go to the movie. I will be brief, since I have little time and they do not want to put any spoiler. In short I have have respect, I think it's a lot better than the fifth, and that is better adapted to quite a difference. I must admit I was scared shitless when the lights are out, and the screen is illuminated, giving pas