Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Itchy Red Eyebrows After Waxing

I like a lot the world of fanfic, in fact I love it, it's part of my life. But when things happen like this makes me want to delete all my accounts and say goodbye to the French. Plagiarism

HATE AND to make matters worse, a massive plagiarism and makes me want to jump out the window.

so ago a couple of months into FF.net and I found that one of my LOTR fics "The Desert Rose," was blatantly plagiarized by one Indigenous, just a couple of fics above where mine was (which have to be stupid). Mine was not the only, the chick came to achieve its unsurpassedma fics nearly 100 hostages. Immediately

girls PLAP (forum anti-plagiarism) were launched, and managed to clear the FF.net account, and the bitch that had been done in Word Press. Blogspot unfortunately could not be erased and remains there today.

As ridiculous nobody visited his blog and came to the conclusion that the brat did so with the sole intention of fucking people LBF, LMF and PLAP decided to ignore the issue. Well, today I received a PM from a very nice girl informing me that I had found my fic plagiarized by such an Indian. "Well, I told myself, the
these things really outraged me. I am outraged. I have plagiarized me is not important, but in that forum are very good fics, and highly recognized authors. And these cretins, and call them that, they have no right to put them there as their own.

Anyway, I already had forgotten about me .... and has soured me on the day. I hope the girls PLAP, which are very efficient, the problem resolved soon ...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Operation Repo Watch Free

I happened the other day when I went to Santiago by train. If going to do a review, but the inspiration I get always in these times What happens?. Credits as always Tinta_china that, unconsciously, gave me the idea.

porno chacha xD Fandom: Supernatural

Pairing: Sam / Dean Warnings
: All of the world. Ah! I think it is very short and incomplete, as it continued to return from Paris, but now it's too late, and I wanted to upload something before I left. Do not kill me ...
Summary: Well I can not think that putting. Best leeis it OK? CH TMLXC

Top. Below. Above. Below. He leans a bit more to reach the corner of the shelf. Her ass looks you in pomp obscenely from the other side of the room. Right, left. Damn! He turns around and puts it between his teeth, to remove by hand all the stuff that is over the rickety table. Fuck. You can see the sweat drops on his forehead, lost their neck. You can see how with one hand he throws back her hair, while his tongue wet his lips ... No wait, that's because you're imagining
- Dean Is something wrong? You agree to

yourselftar anything "because with a shot in the shoulder and two broken ribs are not to fuck, Dean" much less.
Le is the turn of the horrific pictures that "decorate" the room. Sam is stretched over them like a cat that jumps on its prey, and the words leave your mouth without you doing anything to control them.
- I've left a chunk there ...
- Yes? Where?

Stretch right - If you right there, the shirt is lifted a little and you can see the curvature of your back, just before where it loses its respectable name. The muscular arms of your brother is strained by the effort of pulling up, and grabs cmore force on the wooden pole in an attempt to reach the unreachable.

"Hell, Dean. Calm down. Only a fucking duster ... "

- No there not. On the other side ...

But it is a feather in the hands of Sam. Which, without really knowing it, makes it doubly erotic. It is a feather in the hands of Sam determined to end all the crap that floods the filthy motel room. It was late and gave thee like cockroaches the size of rats that had the whole room. You just want to sleep. But Sam could not go to bed and leave you alone, of course. He said the mice did not leave him alonecleans rooms, a bloody monster hunter, two meters tall and with a biceps the size of tennis balls.

- What we talk about, Dean? - Look at you trying to sound angry but it will not blink you miss the fun that crosses his eyes. Head down, trying to suppress a smile.

- That nothing to fuck tonight ...
- And that is why you have between your legs? Huh?
- Sam is my cock. The

know plenty of Sam tilts his head and down the duster. You know he already has given up on you.

- Do not get funny with me because you are not going to work.
- For t & amp, desktop search, and leave to handle that like a feather duster ... a fucking sex toy or something. Do you do it on purpose?
- What post? - Look like Sam supports the duster on the table abruptly and heads towards you with long strides. It has pissed-Do you kidding, Dean? "I keep two hours cleaning the room as if it were your fucking slave and now I come with that?

- Sammy you're my slave now? - Not have been avoided. Your brother has put him on a platter. Sam puts his eyes and sighs exhasperación. He leans over you, resting his hands on both sides of your chair.

- Let ya, De ..- totalme gets caught by your kissnte by surprise. I grab the neck and you put your tongue in her mouth drawing that is open. Sam groans in protest. But you will not know. Slide your tongue with it, claiming what is yours, and ignoring the efforts, too weak to be taken seriously, which makes Sam and away, fiddling with his merciless tongue, savoring the warm breath of your brother, and feeling that the erection is going to explode in his pants any time now.

Finally, as Sam has already been paid to you, you loose. But only by the need to breathe. And without giving respite, take your hand to the crotch of your brother, discovering with delight that his cock now fully hard.

-oche very long ...

It's silly, I know. But any excuse to recreate a bit different in the eroticism of these two. Anyway, my girls Aur revoir!

PD: Certainly Release Layout. I think this is the ultimate!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Best Attacks Pokemon Deluge

Da rules:

Comment to this post and I will Give You 5 Subjects / Things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and Elaborate on the Subjects Given

With the above understood and well analyzed, I am about to write about the topics that my good friend has given me ... Nale I must say that two are expected, one that has me somewhat perplexed as well ... A couple that show what we can be geeks ...


I've never been a big fan of the sport of kicking. Possiblya, was very difficult to enjoy a game.
The last team that I was, ironically (given my roots and white cherries, educationally speaking) were
Pumas UNAM. The team
not remember who directed (at that level am fan) between seasons 96 and 98 (just remember to Cristian Domizi out there and Braulio Luna in the team) was that I did because I liked Masy enjoy some of the first championship with Hugo Sanchez managed to control, but by the beginning of this decade.

the next season, the team stopped RIEF ... I began to see some of the egolatra & eacute; n did his thing, and even with some regret, I agree that the Power Rangers did their own, imagining what it would be a figure that could change positions to take another completely different way, without to remove parts or add more. Obviously, the portfolio of my father "resented" the ravages of buying action figures (Transformers and Dino Riders). Quoting this is because my father tried to hold off that urge to buy to buy and gave me the right and necessary. So, in those days of childhood, I had several dinosaurs that could be armed with heavy arsenal, and many transformers (andthe garden of a former home) I looked at a lot of emotion (I still feel such emotion, nothing to remember) that the branches had two figures of "The Saint Seiya ": A Hagen and Shaka. The great merit of these figures we know today as vintage, was that the doll could be armed and armor on a slide, making, once again I look like a figure could be adapted more than one way ... The Ghost and the constellation ... It was just incredible, but had the same dire fate that he had before tranformers. Des

later, I received as gifts to the school year or for good behavior, the Dragon Shiryu (2nd frame), Deathmask, a Kanon (Pirathon, of course), and a Scylla Io Siren Sorrento, which, incidentally, I see with eyes of affection because I bought at 100 pesos (uh, 100 dollars) a former head of my father gave me as a reward for winning a contest Knowledge ... That is the only remaining full and free of loose, well kept in its box.

In the case of cousins, I like them, unlike me, they could ask and ask and ask their fathers at will and without any brakes. So, I saw much paradesomething new ... Some discounted prices convention became a vent to my desire to have things, obviously, not having much money as discontinued series, I had been wanting to have ...

When they started dating line figures Myth Cloth figures of high quality vi ... Nothing to do with Vintage, since these things were almost sculpted, but retaining the idea of devising a guardian of the holy star ... Interchangeable hair, wristbands and other things that made the figures as I have always wanted, but could never get. Another thing

revived of late thanks to Hollywood were the Transformers ... The figures do not look anything like the predecessors, but the Voyager and Leader Class issues were simply majestic ... My passion for the transformers was reborn when I saw the Megatron from the first film in a cupboard ... But the price put me off immediately, since I did not like to buy ... My girlfriend gave me that figure as a gift in advance of birthdays, Christmas and almost almost 14 February ... But I would not carry something that looked like an expense for him ... Thing that I regretted when I went back to buy it and I could not find ...
As can be read byess ... Transformers, with the output of the second movie, and I came to other purchases and 8 extras are my coleccióny see at least 3 more in my future ... Dragons McFarlane Collection are also high quality, but I can not find it cheaper than say. I think I like them a day in my house (as it will be possible when you live alone) into a kind of study or special room where they can be displayed in dioramas tailored ... At least now I have a great idea for the myths that I purchased, although it requires some space and planning ... What I am sure of is that these figures will not have & aacute, n the same purpose that I had before (with loose or missing parts) because now I value more than ever ... I bought them with my own money (algunas. .. hehe ... others have been gifts) and take care of what they are: Figures collection.

Medicine (as a career and profession)

This is the question I fell more in the bag of weird ... My good Nale Why do you think I studied medicine, and moreover, what gave you the idea that I exercise? Hehehe ... I suppose the fact to say that assisdo technology. Yes, I have to ensure to an outcome or a solution if the team fails, but fortunately they are things that can be avoided if we do maintenance on time ...

What I can say is that a lot of respect for doctors to accept that burden so heavy ... Almost as much as I hate it sometimes feel that they know everything ... And if you do not know what they invent. The excessive respect for work shifts that sometimes can do, but I hate when I know that sometimes put patients to surgery without a clear idea whether they will find something even, which only makes them swell their pockets at the expense of patient ... Also, here is something interesting that where I work, the doctors do not buyNDAN or a pinch (and certainly do not want or intend never understood ways) of how a machine or device ... So when you say where is the error they report, they think they want to make it look like fools (which some actually are) or want to teach them to do their job.

I guess the fact so many years of study leads them to feel omniscient gods or ... There are none of those things ... Say that the relationship with doctors is mutual (and sometimes not so much from them to us) respect ...

Anime (as part of your life)

CHTMamp; aacute; s or less than those seen in the U.S. on Saturday morning.

As we all know, those animations were characterized by serialized stories (chapters that are rarely connected to each other, and little events that influenced the development of a future history) as that continuity was not something I had to take into account. This meant episodes you entertained for half an hour and that was not bad, but it was entertainment for children (which I'm not complaining, I'm still a fan of some cartoons of yesteryear)

drawings began to get very sharp features in the late
80 (clear, there was before, but to some extent went "unnoticed" in these characteristics) and early 90: Eyes large, expressive stories that followed one another from one chapter to another, blood or clear indications of violence more explicit and a drawing style that had not been seen before.

These stories, more than just entertain for half an hour, we introduced into a world completelydifferent, in which each chapter will provide part of a story that unfolded over the months. That, in fact, part (well, obviously, aesthetics) that attracted me to anime, which had many chapters that do not had the same thing or not resorted ; an clichés each chapter in order to entertain and each character had an excellent background you'd know little by little. It was more mature, more than a glib story (of course there are exceptions on both sides, as well as sublime works, as works terrible)

Ace and hours of entertainment and alienation, and appoint each of them would be almost impossible in this space.

To date, I can say that some animes have given me great ideas about behavior. Others, I have "marked" by its quality, history, music or design. Ikki saying he prefers to rely on their own strength rather than in the hands of the gods to control their destiny, is someone that if I marked a deeply personal level.

Another character also made & oacute, do the same was Aion, Chrno Crusade, who pointed out, a simple action, that change should be in every attempt to eliminate the evil of the world ... Since he's representing the concept in their respective anime.

I can dwell much with this ... I just want to say that just for me to watch anime, not a lifestyle or anything, and will not be around to cosplayer left and right, but boy does it form part of my life and I think that maybe someday I'll be talking to my children about the things I saw, forthey, as I did with my dad, I say something like "But ... okay crappy that thing you saw"

Friendship .

Winds. A theme touched on many things pretty good. I have two concepts that are rooted and almost sacred: My partner and my friends. And, in the case of both areas are those that we choose to join us in the way of this thing we call life. CHstrength and in its consistency.

I know I have a friend when he need not apologize to me or I apologize to him. Offenses between us are beyond social conception, because we know they are not beyond mistakes or bumps in the road, and do not necessarily mean chasms that separate us rather than few minutes.

So no apology is necessary, I know that if at some point we offend or something, and let's talkrnments, we can talk again in 3 years without any problems or without justification. And for me, the concept of friendship of trust, that is, for me, the most exemplary and beautiful feelings. Only then would cease to be a friend to me: Betraying my trust. That is the tie that binds friends, more than a weekend binge or a beach getaway. To be friends you just have to trust each other, and that simply knowing you can count on the other when the time calls for it.

For some reason & oacute n came to my mind an episode of "The Prince of Rap" (The Fresh Prince of Bell Air) in which Hill decides to enter a contest with Carlton rather than friends, for a simple case that the distance ... Throughout the program, were almost hitting until the last minute of the chapter, Hill and one of his friends are locked in a room against sound. The presenter asked Carlton what friendship and this, trying to show off their culture, begins to say "Look, as the ancient Maya, friendship ..." when the two locked already gone through a fight and then apologize abraz &

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Large Curvy Women In Tight

Here is the second part of my PWP DeanxCastiel, china gift TInta_ pair. Hope you enjoy!

Title: Learning to be human
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean / Castiel Warnings
: Many perversion, sexually explicit
Summary: Castiel to have thrown the heaven, and Dean Winchester is proposed to teach all divine pleasures can be found down here on earth.

PART 2: ... and then practice

"If Cas, I lacute, n, unzipped and put his hand inside the pants of Castiel. This gave a start when Dean grabbed his cock with your hand.

- This ...- Dean licked his lips, trying to control. Castiel had never imagined so ... hard and hot between his fingers. Surrounded his cock more firmly and made a single movement, up and down, which started a hoarse cry from the lips of Castiel. Dean smiled ... is what gives us pleasure to men. Castiel

gasped and nodded, closing his eyes and pressing his lips stubbornly when Dean returned to pump up and

down - not repress yourself, "muttered the hunter ...- Cas bringing his free hand to his own erection. Dick felt that he was going to explode with the pants is not good ...

To give more emphasis to his words came back to run the movement, wider, deeper. And this time, Castiel could not contain the sound that came from his throat. Dean closed his eyes, focusing on trying to control their own arousal to not run yet. The breath is cut off when suddenly, hands, soft and warm, began to explore beneath his shirt.

- That's what I did & iacuyou, she smiled at me, "Dean noted Castiel's voice hoarse with excitement, and let him throw his jersey up, took it out of his head and throwing her to the ground any kind of hesitation. He lay on the bed, and Castiel straddled over him, looking from above while tilted his head and watched him curiously. Dean looked at him with a grin, thinking that Castiel could not be so naive, and could not have put his ass there by chance, with such pressure on his cock that almost hurt .. .

- And what else hac & iacute; to? - asked involuntarily moving his hips up. Castiel leaned over him, complacent, and began kissing his chest, marking her skin with kisses, and walking around his bare chest with his lips. Dean stifled a groan when Castiel began to fall slowly and stood below the navel. I could feel his hot breath on her skin, and let out a sort of grunt, claiming it to continue. Castiel smiled and stuck his tongue out, paving the way straight pants. Dean almost ran when Castiel took one of his hands to his groin.

- Oh, God ...
- Do not blaspheme Dean-repCastiel performance while Hunter unbuttoned jeans and slowly lowered the zipper
- Sorry .. is ... Damn! - Castiel had put his hand under the pantalóny had grabbed Dean's cock hard, Freed at last from its prison of cloth. Castiel looked at him with a smile as she bent over him, touching his lips with his cock fully hard and hot. Dean gasped and looked surprised you ...- "She did all that?

In response, Castiel out her tongue and licked all Dean's cock from base to tip. Dean groaned and threw his head backore, thinking that after all, Castiel was not as naive as he appeared. Castiel seemed to read his mind because it gave a funny smile.

- With it I was scared, "said grabbing your dick with their hands and licking the tip with a special slow. Dean held his breath, making a real effort to not be run on the spot. Castiel accurately licked the liquid dripping from cock Dean - But you all is easier ...

- I do not know how ... I'm glad, "Castiel opened his mouth, and introduced Dean's cock slowly, until the tip touched her throat. Dean let outmp; nbsp;

Doujinshi Dragon Blood SUPERNATURAL. Season 5

Ra nothing to do with what I imagine to bring into this chapter. in part for giving me the idea, partly because it was a birthday present, this fic is going to
Tinta_ china,
Hope you like beautiful! ^ ^ I hope

opinions, my first story is homoerotic: P

Title: Learning to be human

Fandom: Supernatural
Dean / Castiel Warnings
: Many perversion explicit sex Summary
: A Castiel have cast out of heaven, and Dean Winchester is proposed to teach all the pleasures that can be divinefind down here on earth.
1 PART: First, the theory ....

- Dean, I think this does not work ...
The elder Winchester gave a playful smile, and leaned slightly forward, to better see the color of underwear that had one of the girls dancing sensually in front of him.
- Well, I certainly will not have any difficulty, "Dean sighed, half amused, half exasperated, as he looked to his left and was able to see for yourself what exactly was the problem passenger.

At that time, Castiel, who had been an imDean sky in amazement, but if death. Do you have a problem - Dean looked frowning sick Am I not right?
- No you not, "said Dean outlining a lopsided grin," If you knew only extremely shy ..."-
- Good. In this case ...- Donna looked relaxed and Castiel with ota face "I assure you that any of my girls would fight to be with him. I myself could ...
- Well, no offense Donna. But someone else had thought ... virginal. Someone who was not frightened, "Dean suppressed a laugh as he gave one theI do not know ... Dean

realized someone was banging on the door from inside. And he remembered the girl who was with Castiel. Trying not to scare you more, he had departed from there and opened the door. Shelly went for it. Still she was dressed and looked at Castiel with an expression confused and worried. Castiel Dean hid behind as he saw her appear.

- I assure you I've hardly touched the girl said, shrugging his shoulders and raising his hands Poor What's wrong?
- Quiet Shelly Dean said while Castiel cogíaa arm and struggled with him para to stay quietly at his side nothing happens. Could ... could you leave us?
- Yeah, right. Pass-the girl stepped aside to let them free to enter, you sure do not want me to stay?
- No, no. You'd better not, "Dean could not believe he was rejecting such a beautiful Swedish. Castiel was passed back to the habitacióny entered after him "But thanks anyway
- What a shame," said Shelly Castiel watching a pot. Dean smiled apologetically and closed the door behind

quietly, watching He turned to Castiel. This was sitting on the bed and hadI had to do. She began to touch me and I ... I do not know what to do with this.

lifted the bundle of clothes and Dean held a start to see the erection clearly visible through the pants of Castiel. This he kept looking, even confusing. Dean and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. Despite this attempt to smile depreocupadamente.

- That? Cas quiet ...- Dean found himself not able to hold his gaze. It was as if you were talking about sex with a child of six years. It aired shirt and looked away. Not understand why suddenly got so hot "That es normal.
happens to everyone - do you too? - Castiel seemed more relaxed, while Dean was feeling more nervous

- If ...- mumuró. "If, in fact, was happening at that moment. She clasped her legs trying to control the erection began to notice in his pants. I did not know it was the fact notice the heat emanating Cas naked body so close to him, or something else that was making him that way. Castiel had always seen as being cold, aloof, not human. Something asexual so to speak, as all angels. But now showed Castiel sexuality in all its glory before & eacutee, l. And that lit. Damn if he did.

- What I have to do with it?

Dean swallowed and put his hand on his pants. What I had to do? Fuck with the little question ...

- You have to ... you have to ... If you'd let her have ...- "Shit." Sam was not so damn difficult. In fact, he had understood the first. Dean smiled to himself remembering with nostalgia the long months on the road, when they just spent weeks without seeing or touching a girl, and Sam sneak into her bed looking for someone to relieve their excitation & Overhaul

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Are The Main Big Sins In Muslims?

God ... I had not seen the news until this morning ... Marvel becomes the property of the rule of Mouse (by God, Where there is an antitrust law when required?) And now you fear that you see mixed characters (turned around to see Kingdom Hearts), or less blood Punisher things like ... Come on Disney, unlike Warner (which owns DC Comics) is an image child care and do not think (honestly) then we can see things from the manufacture of Weapon X. .. It is assumed that part of the agreement is that the writers are immovable from their positions and lines of work ... But we know that "THE BOSS IS THE BOSS" ... I wish I equivoque...