Friday, December 31, 2010
Poptropica Where Do You Get The El judeyconstance @ 2010-12-31T14: 44:00
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
2 Weeks Late Period, Lots Of Mucus
- Title : The last rising of the dawn (Illustration)
- Summary: A little drawing I did for the English version of a fic escrbí.
- Per
Monday, December 27, 2010
Kidney Stones Stuck In Urethra The Shining (16 /?)
- Name of author: Zatnikatel (I translate)
- Title: The Shining
- Summary: The end of time, but Dean Winchester I forgot ... Right?
- Genre: Gen-AU
- Characters / Pairing: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, etc.
- Warnings: None
- Chapter 16: Bad Company.Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Loudest Subwoofer On Earth
Pairing (s) / Character (s): Jensen / Jared, Victoria / Misha, Chris / Cassie
NC17 Warnings: I can not find them without the cake, but the age restriction is for something. Caution.
Summary: Lunenburg is a town in Nova Scotia, Canada. Jared's birthplace and the place where he grew up that had to move to eleven years, leaving behind his best friend. Now, fifteen years later returned, but Jensen is no longer there.
Disclaimers: They are not mine.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Baby Burst Capillaries
- Name of author: Zatnikatel (I translate)
- Title: The Shining
- Summary: The end of time, but Dean winchester has forgotten ... Right?
- Genre: Gen-AU
- Characters / Pairing: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, etc.
- Warnings: None
- Chapter 15: The devil deals the cards.Thursday, December 16, 2010
Pokemondeluge Cheats December The last rising of the dawn.
- Title: The last rising of the dawn.
- Summary: " His deep blue eyes give a last wistful look at the wonderful creationof
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Night Calls Tiffany Free The Shining (14 /?)
- Name of author: Zatnikatel (I translate)
- Title: The Shining
- Summary: The end of time, but Dean winchester has forgotten ... Right?
- Genre: Gen-AU
- Characters / Pairing: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, etc.
- Warnings: None
- Chapter 14: unspeakable thingsMonday, December 13, 2010
Frustration The Card Game Rules Fanfic J2, AU, The Ritual
Characters: Jared, Jensen, John (SPN would be the character), Lauren (here Ackles, but it would be Lauren Cohan), Samantha (here Ackles, but it would be Samantha Ferris), Chad Michael Murray, Megan Padalecki, Kim Manners (hehehe), Alastair mentions (the character SPN), Alona Tal, Misha Collins, Mike Rosembaun, Tom Welling, Sophia Bush, Kristen Bell, Kristen Kreuk, and others ..... DISCLAIMER
, none of the characters belong to me unfortunately for me, and I do this without any profit-based SUMMARY
a book I loved as a child.
Jared has a "gift", is able to notice the extraNoo anomalous going on around, so when Jensen Ackles meets once perceived strangeness in it .... and he, no more story to not reveal the whole plot .
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Chapter Six-Part Chapter seven Chapter eight-
Chapter Eight-Part
Chapter nueve.-CHT
Chapter nine-MLXC Part
Part Three Chapter Nine-Chapter
Chapter ten-second Chapter once.
-first part
chapter eleven-second
chapter eleven-third
Chapter twelve-first part
Chapter twelve-second
Chapter thirteen-first part Chapter thirteen-final
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Gay Bar In Windsor Ontario
Fandom | Pairings: Gossip Girl | Chuck / Dan.
Length: 670
Spoilers? From my fics C / D
Rating | Warning: PG | None.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Advertising Ideas For A Dental Hygienist Seen
Pairing: Dan / Blair / Chuck
Raiting: NC-17
Note: Spoiler light. Through 4
Response to Request Holiday Fic request of
See the rest here.
not have class that morning, but wants to move the library to pick up a couple of texts needed for a job that has to be ready for the end of the semester, then you may be passing by a coffee and a donut of because there in front of the subway and in less than two hours must have gone home.
not that morning has not come out of the loft.
- So?
"I came to be, a word with you ....
-Ah - finally moving, walking to the kitchen counter "Do you want coffee?
-No. I do not want. "I need to take some caffeine or I will not be able to ... what? Snapped nervous when she sees Chuck go to him. "I saw you making new friends.
- Oh! Yeah, well, let Blair and me but ... ... I mean.
- Yes?
"It was not anything. You know ... kind of affair.
-How toyour sister, right?
Dan will change the face of a sudden the fear that ran back becomes pure rage and he holds his tongue until it almost bled. Clench the fists, digging the fingernails into the palm.
"Unlike you, I do not need to take advantage of girls of sixteen. I have some moral.
"With your history on the Upper East Side would tell anyone. Are you trying to break a record?
- What the hell? Snapped pushing "Get out of my house.
- Do you know? I'm glad I slept with Blair, I'm glad you blood boil just thinking about me on,
within it. Dan dodges
pl abdomen to his chest. Dan moans against him. Dan moves against him.
continue unabated, with the same desire, while Humphrey hand moves forward, the belt buckle and began to take off his pants. Chuck reacts the same way, so it is easier to put your hand inside his pants.
Dan briefs fall to the ground aided by the hands of Chuck, and boots as far as you can while still fighting with the underwear. When she escapes, Chuck takes the erection of a hand and begins to caress with the same fury with which he is kissing.
Chuck growled separating their mouths, lownd his neck, biting. Wait, he says, clutching his leg and forces him to wrap it around their hips, then starts to rub against his crotch against his hand.
"Shit, Dan supports the forehead on his shoulder and let it do, moving as she can.
Rubbing almost becomes an abrasion, skin against skin. Kissing again while they moan and pant on each other's mouths. The orgasm will come almost simultaneously, a jolt that covers them from head to toe.
Visto. It seems that our dear lonely boy has increasingly tight agenda. Will B agree to share your spouse?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Can I Spray Listerine Pocket Pals In Dog's Mouth
I have to say that the fact of not having nearly
I put up a little with what is my life. For those who do not know I'm in Granada studied English philology!. I live in an apartment with a lifelong friend and her boyfriend so great truth, for now we maintain a harmonious coexistence and friendly!
In order to be studying what I study I'm not getting any match, but I put what I agree and also I'm seeing grays as well so you and i
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Can An Interim Driver's License Buy Alcohol?
Cartoonists style on paper and quite rarely the artists draw on a digital display. The digital story can be drawn with the aid of computer systems. The competitions are so designed based primarily on classes and forms of cartooning. A competitor can of common or created for kids.
can be created focused on an issue that must be explained to all ss you have to prepare a storyboard, track competitors descriptive document. You need to design a disposicióny dimensions of the drawing. You have style, background, factors, objects, characters and color scheme as required by principle. The atmosphere of the story must be kept in mind when drawing. A cartoonist must to be a sensible man or woman, you pay interest each picture, cartoon atmosphere and conversation. Illustration of the display screen, the direction and the expressions are very essential but drawing comics.
Bible coloring pictures
and feature quick Winners are listed in the pair centered
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
How Do I Know What Kind Of Turtle I Have
Today March 10, 2010 is the birthday of a wonderful person. Little V If I'm talking about you!. Well, here is a compliment so I'll talk directly to you!.
Love love love, born of me, born of you, hope . LOL ask you first of all apologize for not having tremendous done a long letter, but I really do you usually leave you speechless and was terrified of not knowing what to write after your birthday, andmasters sincere, your birthday is as special as you and I could not stand before him without a greeting your needs.
honestly do not think you know how much I regret not spending your birthday with you, I would be there and could hold up tired, fill you with kisses like old are you, that gave me the whole llevaríia to!! - finish your cake and leave to celebrate, you know that you would! -.
Omg. Should - at least
Monday, March 1, 2010
Converting A Vw To A Buggy Happy Birthday LJ
As for games, it turns out that I became slightly addicted (ajá. .. slightly) online games and I'm finally playing with my PS2 as God intended (curious game when I'm on call that being "free" in my house).
Well then ... Let's leave it like that, and then I'll think of something better ...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Pinky Cuticle Infection
In memory of family and friends Who Have lost the battle with cancer, and in support of the Ones Who continue to conquer it! Post this on your LJ if you have or know someone Who Had cancer. 93% Will not copy and paste this. Will you?
For the memory of relatives and friends who have lost the battle against cancer, and in support of those who continue to struggle. Post this on your LJ if you know someone who has or has had cancer. Copiarány 93% did not stick this. "Will you?
* For my grandfather , because although 10 years have passed, I still remember like it was yesterday
* For my mother, because we expect that the end is nothing and that everything is in a fright (Tk)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Aviation History By Powerpoint
Tomorrow begins the torture
And in another vein. Yesterday I saw Harry Potter A very musical . And in two words is: TOTALLY AWESOME ^ ^. For those who've seen and you will know what I mean. Forno, just say no moiré can not see that fantastic, fun and synthesis of the seven HP books in a hilarious musical.
Here, to no spoiler to anyone, my mini synthesis of what I liked most of the work ^ ^
could not say what I did not like it ALL I was fascinated. Voldemort is the best of all the work, apart from being as good as the bread, the guy was born to act. His roll with me I did mourn Quirrell of laughter (when flowers plant them conquer the world ... xD), the tap dancing after recovering the body was great, and the oath has been particularly steadfast
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Movie Purgatory Free Online 2010. MY FIRST Femslash: Kate / Juliet (Lost)
Very briefly, my poor resolutions for this year which begins:
- Use more Lj
- Read more (poor deluded xD)
- Read more
- Read Me all your fantastic stories pornographic - Finish my fic SnapexHermione
- steeped in history (more, more mássss)
- Imre Interrail (sehhh: P)
- Getting the scholarship ; Erasmus to England
Here, tatatachan! a pé
I do not know that this will have been, but now is incredibly better after exhaustive of bete Tinta_china (thanks pretty ^ ^)
Without further ado, here I leave
Title: I hate you
Fandom: Lost (lost)
Pairing: Kate / Juliet
Beteado by: Tinta_china
Adverif you really know or can take care of someone other than herself.
And now back to that place. And Kate knows, like the damn island, that the reasons for his return, far from what he says or pretends to other people ...
- ... So you have designated mechanical ; unique. Do not worry, it's easier than it looks.
And there she is, she always. She, who transferred to the Intelligence depth look charged and completely disarming. It apart as he did with Jack as he was now doing with Sawyer. And it gives a terrible rage. Kate outlines a hint of a smile that finally endsCadeza and elegance that surround his every move. If she, Kate, with its light and delicate appearance, was taken as a personal challenge as tanning, move and behave like the more rugged of men, woman, Juliet, with his almost six feet tall and an athletic, not bulky, did the opposite. All it does is enveloped by an aura of extreme fragility
but that also inspires a great tranquility and security. And that Kate will burst. In fact, the brunette is realizing at that moment that can make a long list with everything you hate about Juliet and still need a couple of years maspof his arm starts to flow a thin trickle of blood. The event, a pair of hands, bigger than his fingers but with much more fine and beautiful, gripping her arm before she can do or say anything.- Let me see - the golden head of Juliet leaning over her and Kate can see her face perfectly square, framed by a pale fleshy lips and a pair of almond shaped blue eyes, now fixed on your skin red.
- It's nothing - mumbles trying to get rid of the strange pressure of Juliet's soft fingers on his skin. But a firm that she always knew that the blonde had it lor denies emphatically.
- not deep but I have to give him some points, see.
- It is not - repeat Kate, ignoring the skeptical expression Juliet. If she says it was nothing, is that it was nothing.
- Relax, you hurt a little.
Kate sighs and stares at the ceiling. Have never been afraid of needles, but the fact that someone else without giving the skin is very quiet. He recalls with nostalgia the first day on the islandServices Available answers you can give this woman, or if you really have to give some. The look carefully, focusing on his blue eyes, which are now sitting on her slowly, almost reluctantly. Kate opens her mouth closed but said nothing. And she curses herself in silence. Why such a hard time lying to the aunt? Why the words would not come out of his mouth as smooth as when talking to the rest?
- Do you like being the main course of men Juliet ...?
. But the way in which Juliet is looking at the angry, the profound irritation.
& mdash, "... Or you just like to be of those who are in love with me?
She further emphasized his crooked smile and gives the last stitch - something stronger than previous ones - the small court, closed down. Cut the leaves precisióny thread the needle on the instrument table. Despite having already finished his work, his left hand still has not fallen off the arm of Kate, his thumb gently caressed the injury now, and Kate finds herself thinking that she does not want to be that end contact.
- I thought you might want to tell me
This time it is Kate who sonríey her little white teeth seem to illuminate the whole room.
Thumb delicate contours plotted along the arms, gliding smoothly over the pale skin of Kate.
- Well, I guessed, since it is clear that Claire, the person you're looking for is not found in 1975 and it does not seem to worry at all.
Kate's smile falters a little and slowly fades away. He understood at last that it is impossible to lie to Juliet, she is always one step ahead of others. Life has taught him to do so. The island has ordoing Blige. And I do not know if it is his impression, but it seems that Juliet has shortened distances, and has now closer than ever. Kate lays one of his hands on the table, trying to maintain balance despite being comfortably seated on the soft mattress. You can not stop looking at her, and now knows why.
- Why I'm back then? - The words come out weaker than they would like, less firm and defiant. But for once in his life, gives exactly the same. Suggests that it is useless.
is silence between them. And the answer move comes in the form of a warm approach. KaJuliet has you so close you feel you could merge with it, note as if it could get lost in its clear and limpid eyes, bottomless and mixed with them, forgetting for a few seconds of who she is and making there. That's all a big lie and that in fact no longer worth working.
Close your eyes and tilts his head forward. And though Juliet's lips are as sweet and soft that has ever tasted.
feel that if everything is revésy if time and space are lost and misguided, what if she gets carried away, what if maybe existtickling in the pit of my stomach, that deep heat growing between her legs, and when she kissed Jack in a demonic urge, not even when she slept with Sawyer, the man who has excited since she can remember.
are separated during the second, panting, trying to catch his breath. Juliet looks at her with a dumb question on the lips, redder than usual, but just as inspiring (or maybe more). Kate licks his back and attack without giving respite. Not give him time to wonder what the hell they are doing. No wants to give itself time to question their actions. None of that matters now. In fact, has long since ceased to matter. CHTML
Kate XC entangled her small arms around the slim neck and Juliet pulls in deepening the kiss that have left half. The blonde let out a short moan that no one - just Kate - overhears. And this smile through clenched teeth while the skillful hands of Dr. glide over his mechanical monkey, suddenly seems more than enough.
- I hate - the brunette murmured under his breath. Juliet lets out a soft chuckle as his hands move between her thighs Kate firm.
Lie or reality, what did it. Kate hates her, she knows. And Juliet also hates it. But bring away to a persabandoned room - as they are doing now - or in a discreet clear the jungle - as they will in the future -. Jack never know why Kate hates Juliet, and why Kate Juliet avoids all possible ways. And Sawyer intuit that something passed between them but will say nothing, because basically he does not want to know. Conforms to have them both close and affordable. Juliet
never tell Kate he loves her, because she knows that is a waste of time. Because he knows that, as he told his mother once, "not because we want to have to be together." And Kate never say to Juliet